Saturday – the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday

Saturday. The day between Good Friday and Easter.

Today as I cook curry goat I’m thinking about Easter’s past…remembering my Mom and all her cooking and baking. Goat. Turkey. Easter Bun. Hot cross buns. Cheese. And yes chocolates. Easter egg hunts when we were really young with clues by Mom that led us all over the house…a tradition that my brother Paul has picked up and lays on his houseful of guests (young and old) every Christmas!  Normally at the end of our hunts it was solid chocolate Easter bunnies. Not eggs. One for each of us – me, David, and Paul.

Thank God for my parents, for my Jamaican heritage, and for them pointing me to Jesus. He truly makes all the difference.  Of course I had to choose Him for myself.

I confess that I love social media. Maybe because I love people? Today a friend posted the question…”did Jesus spend Saturday in hell?”. Huh. Interesting. Regardless. I am so glad that God knows me so well and loved me (and you) so much that He provided a way where justice and mercy meets – the cross. (Yes Pastor Patti Miller I was listening yesterday. Great message my friend.)

Yesterday, Good Friday, Ted and I joined other believers in Montreal the city we love at Evangel Church to “celebrate” the death of Jesus.  Afterwards the rich and delicious music of “Handel’s Messiah” was playing in our home and (ha!) I was shaking my head over the fact that in my teens and early twenties I led the first choir I ever directed through many of those choruses: Hallelujah, Behold the lamb of God, O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, For unto us a child is born, Worthy is the lamb that was slain, and Amen.  My Dad’s fault. ;-)

Tomorrow I will celebrate Easter at a well-known theatre in Montreal – Théâtre Rialto. La Chapelle, the French church that I have been attending for the past 3 years has rented it for 3 services – 9:45am, 11:45am, and 6:30pm.   Sixty (60) people will be baptized. Yes I mean 60. That is not a typo. 60 people who have decided to follow Jesus…and one of them is a member of Montreal Gospel Choir so many of us will be at the 9:45am service to shout and scream…and afterwards some will come to my home (and Ted’s) to party.

Happy Saturday.  Happy Easter! Jesus is alive. That changes everything.

2 thoughts on “Saturday – the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday

  1. Great post Carol! And amazing news regarding the sixty people who have come to know Jesus personally and want to declare it publicly!! God is indeed alive and still in the business of changing hearts.

    And thank you for being someone who eagerly desires to share about the love of Jesus and to share the love that Jesus put in you for your (/our) city.

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