How do you make a CD?

Today is a “happy dance” day for me.  Dance with me.

TODAY you can PRE-ORDER the new Jireh Gospel Choir CD “Get Up” to download 1 song (our single) right away.  You could do that now.  I’ll be here when you get back.  And it will make great background music while you read the rest of this…except that you’ll probably want to get up and dance.

How do you make a CD?

I don’t know how other people go about making a record but in a series of posts I’m planning let you in on how we made this CD.  I say “we” because this project involves about 50 people – songwriters, singers, instrumentalists, and admin.  And then you add to that number the agencies working with us on manufacturing, distribution, and marketing.

How do you make a CD?

First of all, trust God.  I could NEVER have completed this project without God.  Too many uncontrollable variables.  The “Get Up” project is about God, because of Him, and for the people that He loves…including you.  My prayer is that this music will inspire you to “Get Up” from whatever situation is trying to keep you down.

Secondly, you marry well.  Seriously.  If I didn’t have the husband that I have I would not be the person that I am.  Thank you God for creating Ted Eric Dettweiler.  Check out his blog here.  He posted something new and lovely today.

Then there’s the other people who you absolutely need on your team.

I chose my friend/brother monster bass player and producer Alexandre Paquette to produce this CD and I am so very glad that I did.  Alex is married to the Junie Cyprien who has sung with Jireh for…a very long time.  They met because of Jireh and Alex thinks they are Jireh couple #1.  He’s wrong because that would be me and Ted, but I humour him.  Alex also plays bass on the album.  Can’t wait for you to hear some his delicious bass lines.

Then I asked my friend/brother Rex Verzosa to help me (assistant producer)…because he knows me, has been a part of Jireh for years, and because he’s a gifted artist.  It could be said that he and Melissa Ouimet are Jireh couple #3.  Rex wrote 2 songs on the album including “Get Up”, the last song that I accepted for the project…which became the single.  He also sings on 2 songs.  And Rex is the graphic designer on this project.

Then there’s my assistant Gabrielle Bernardin.  She’s the best. A gift from God.  Her background is in the film industry…and I think I will take time to tell you more about her in another post.

Tomorrow I lead a gospel choir sing-along as part of “Les Journées de la culture” – three days of interactive activities, discovery and appreciation of arts and culture, offered free to the public throughout Quebec.  Members from both my choirs will be there – Jireh Gospel Choir and Montreal Gospel Choir (MGC)  Downtown Montreal in the beautiful sanctuary of the Church of St John the Evangelist (a.k.a. the Red Roof Church) in the Quartier des spectacles.  AND…we will shoot part of the promotional video for the new CD!!!!  Big day.  Come!

To be continued…..